09 11 240 SBA
High Leverage Lineman's Pliers New England with Fish Tape Puller and Crimper, 9 1/2", Plastic Coating (SBA: Clamshell Packaging for Hanging on Display Hooks)
$57.32$57.32 -
Available Now! $27.09$27.09 -
71 12 200
CoBolt® High Leverage Compact Bolt Cutters, 8", Slim Multi-Component, Spring Loaded
$68.87$68.87 -
Available Now! Available Now!Knipex
74 01 200 SBA
High Leverage Diagonal Cutters, 8", Plastic Coating,(SBA: Clamshell Packaging for Hanging on Display Hooks)
$37.96$37.96 -
Why KNIPEX, the pliers specialists? You can say goodbye to pinched skin, rusty hinges and slipping.
Say hello to comfort, quality and smooth operation from day one; no break-in period!