
Icotek is a German manufacturer of multi-cable transits, cable entry plates and cable glands. They have been developing smart cable management systems since 1995.

Which product for which application? We are here to help! Please contact us for assistance with finding the icotek product you need.

Certifications and approvals for your industry

Manufactured in Germany, US headquarters right in Chicago, IL. Product ships from stock!

No minimum order values. Order what you need!

Easy to work with, let us help you find what you need.

Due to the application specific nature of icotek products, we currently do not offer individual icotek products online. We can assist you in finding the best solution for your application!


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    KEL-ER 16|8 Split Multi Transit Frame, Screw Type Mounting, 16 mm Max Diameter Cable, Cutout Size 86 x 36 mm, Sold Only is Packs of 10, Price per Piece