Our New Logo: More Than Just an Image
Posted by Theresa Hoffman on Feb 9th 2024
As each year closes, new year’s beginnings are always important for many companies. We’re no exception!
MWA wrapped up 2023 with an ambitious set of goals for 2024! We have been keeping you informed on our major 2024 goal on LinkedIn: our exciting new website launch.
We also gave you a sneak peek at our new logo!
Established in 1984, Hans Wolf started a rep company called Marshall Wolf Associates which evolved into Marshall Wolf Automation, Inc.
I would say that our logo fit right in with the times!

As we jumped into the e-commerce world in 2004, by 2009 we decided to update our logo.
We introduced our new corporate colors red, silver, green and black to match our website.
As graphic design technology evolved, our Wolf came into focus!
For 10 years, we’ve been using the logo you see today.

Hans Wolf always appreciated the wolf being part of our branding; it’s been embedded in our logo since the company started.
While working with Obundle, we emphasized that we wanted our updated wolf to be based on a tribute to our founder.
Our new wolf blends elements of our current and original designs, we’re very excited to show you the final logo!
As we continue building out our new website, you will be seeing our new logo before the launch.
Follow us on LinkedIn for more updates!